white horse
- views 4791
- likes 19
- favourites 3
- published December 28, 2011
- POTD Picture of the day
- Shooting Style Tripod
- Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
- Exposures Number 2, -2, 0
- Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
- File Format RAW
- Notes CANON 10D
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the horse has managed to stay fairly immobile for my 3 shots ... thanks
Great shot
a lovely horse, pity that you have not removed the wire in front of if:-)
Splendido esemplare e ottima texture
According to Tore. I think it's brilliant, it looks in 3D, looks set to out snout out of the picture. FAV
perfetto il pelo del cavallo,ottimo lavoro!
Great textures.
nice shoot
Excellent image, beautifully sharp. I hope the horse didn't scratch its neck?
a big thank you to all
eccellente foto!
great work getting no movement :)
awesome shot. very sharp details especially the mane
Outstanding work!
Perfect details and sharpening...well done!
This horse doesn't blink! Great shot.