Life in the Fast Lane

Picture by interweb

  • views 3174
  • likes 3
  • favourites 0
  • published January 12, 2012
  • Canon 5D Mark 2
  • 17-40L
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Others / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
las vegas citycenter ces2012 dusk sunset traffic hdr


12 Jan 19:00

Last night was my final evening in Las Vegas after attending CES2012, so I ventured out for some pictures. I began my journey by walking over to the Bellagio in hopes of getting a nice sunset shot with the fountains in the foreground. After watching two of the fountain shows, I felt like I had taken enough pictures to get a decent shot to work on later. I then began the painfully long walk over to M&M World so I could get my daughters some souvenirs. I continued perusing the skyline and environment during my walk and stumbled upon the scene you see in this photo, which is #CityCenter. In order to take this shot, I had to find a location on the pedestrian walkway that didn't have the scene blocked by a glass security wall. (You know, the glass wall that prevents the crazies from attempting to defy gravity.) I luckily found a very narrow location that had just enough room for me to get my tripod setup, which was right next to a doorway that led to one of the casinos. I had to keep my foot strategically placed in order to prevent the door from smacking up against myself and my tripod whenever someone would press one of the automatic door opener buttons.

12 Jan 19:35

Funny that you tells about the job of finding the location to shoot from. and the picture became really good :-)

12 Jan 20:36

well done, I like it

12 Jan 21:10
flipd1 Plus User

Nice timed shot. Couldn't have been done any better.

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