I took this shot in Manchester, the chap in the photo was in this position for five minutes before I took the shot, he hen stood up straight, before sitting back down, quite a conjuring trick. It was quite a difficult shot to take, due to the large aperture and slow shutter speed, hence the tiny amount of shake, it was also hand held and I was constantly nudged by people who were passing by.
Aperture. f4.5, shutter speed 1/60 For focusing on the subject only.
08 Apr 04:35
fredzhang Plus User
08 Apr 09:03
excellent shot, the blur rear is too artificial
08 Apr 09:54
The blur at the rear is real in this case actually.
08 Apr 10:22
bjosted Plus User
Great shot.
08 Apr 13:44
08 Apr 14:54
I think the blur actually compliments the costume of the mime in this case.. Good shot..
08 Apr 15:57
08 Apr 17:34
sorry, with a 18-55 lens is impossible to get that blurring .... shoes behind the mime too sharp in the background!!
08 Apr 18:09
I dont tell lies. no need to. I also dont need to explain myself to you.
08 Apr 18:11
I can also recomend some good photography books dealing with depth of field, and composition if you would like me too.
08 Apr 19:38
Thank you all for your comments.
08 Apr 20:32
teacher .. I know the depth of field, I read books about photography for 40 years, so I do not need anything else ..thanks
08 Apr 20:35
Just trying to help, if you need any advice let me know.
08 Apr 20:42
08 Apr 22:01
Sorry comment didn't register, Perfect post rrr.......
I took this shot in Manchester, the chap in the photo was in this position for five minutes before I took the shot, he hen stood up straight, before sitting back down, quite a conjuring trick. It was quite a difficult shot to take, due to the large aperture and slow shutter speed, hence the tiny amount of shake, it was also hand held and I was constantly nudged by people who were passing by. Aperture. f4.5, shutter speed 1/60 For focusing on the subject only.
excellent shot, the blur rear is too artificial
The blur at the rear is real in this case actually.
Great shot.
I think the blur actually compliments the costume of the mime in this case.. Good shot..
sorry, with a 18-55 lens is impossible to get that blurring .... shoes behind the mime too sharp in the background!!
I dont tell lies. no need to. I also dont need to explain myself to you.
I can also recomend some good photography books dealing with depth of field, and composition if you would like me too.
Thank you all for your comments.
teacher .. I know the depth of field, I read books about photography for 40 years, so I do not need anything else ..thanks
Just trying to help, if you need any advice let me know.
Sorry comment didn't register, Perfect post rrr.......