Stone Mountain..

Picture by johnt

  • views 2513
  • likes 7
  • favourites 0
  • published June 21, 2012
  • 24mm-840mm point and shoot zoom
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number _2..0..+2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes Wide angle shot from about 1200 meters away. The mountain front extend another 800-1000 meters both left and right from what you see.


21 Jun 16:22

No number vote please on this as I didn't even bother to take to PS to clean up. Just want to show you a Rock that is about 20 minutes from my door.. Stone Mountain is a quartz monzonite dome monadnock in Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States. At its summit, the elevation is 1,686 feet (514 m) amsl and 825 feet (251 m) above the surrounding area. Stone Mountain is well-known not only for its geology, but also for the enormous bas-relief on its north face, the largest bas-relief in the world.[1] The carving depicts three figures of the Confederate States of America: Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis. The mountain is more than 5 miles (8.0 km) in circumference at its base. It is surrounded by the Stone Mountain Park. The summit of the mountain can be reached by a walk-up trail on the west side of the mountain only, or by the Skyride aerial tram

21 Jun 16:24

BTW.. spectacular Lazer Show each night in the summer and fall on the side of the mountain. The grassed area in front is the ampi-theater for that event.

21 Jun 16:41

nice capture john

21 Jun 17:28

Just a lead in to some shots upcoming Art to familarize others with the Rock Mountain. Talked to some tourist from Japan this morning who came just to see this. I feel fortunate to have an annual park pass and can be there in 20 minutes if I chose. :)

21 Jun 18:53

I agree, John this is such a wonderful place to visit and recount history.

21 Jun 18:55

I agree, John this is such a wonderful place to visit and recount history. That little Camera of yours takes excellent shots! great detail when downloaded and magnified.

21 Jun 19:02

Wow, i have never seen such mountain in my life.

21 Jun 20:49

Fabulous place! we will visit something similar in Lucerne, Switzerland, a dying lion carved in the mountain

21 Jun 21:21
digicam Plus User

I think a crop into a Pano would have worked out on this one John. What say You?

21 Jun 21:42


21 Jun 23:33

I don't think this shot has reached its full potential. I agree a different crop might work better and also I think with a bit of selective hue staturation adjustment work in Photoshop you could pull out a bit more detail and colour in the rock face.

22 Jun 00:12

Again guys.. this is a lead in to familarize you with the mountain. No attempt was made to enhance at over 1/2 mile. The heavy artillery barrage will commence tomorrow for a more serious shot. This one is like throwing a hand grenade. haha

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