Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop / Others
File Format RAW
06 Jan 10:05
My favourite Cathedral with its Christmas tree, just got round to processing it.
06 Jan 10:45
06 Jan 11:35
9, very slight tilt to the right Mitch but it's a lovely church with excellent processing...
06 Jan 11:50
@Graham.....I can assure you the image isn't tilted, checked the bottom of the window with grid lines. You must be looking at the black tiles at the bottom of the image, which is probably slight lens distortion.
06 Jan 12:14
Excellent processing.
06 Jan 12:36
Nice colours and lovely church, a 10 from me if I could have seen the whole arched.
06 Jan 12:56
flipd1 Plus User
I love it. I agree that it would be better to see the top of the arch but I like the process enough. I don't see a tilt. Is this the churn your wife was standing outside of?
06 Jan 14:03
06 Jan 14:16
flipd1 Plus User
Sorry Ian, I totally meant that to be a 10
06 Jan 14:47
Agree about to see the whole arch.
06 Jan 15:04
10 from me faultless process
06 Jan 15:45
nice church, slight inclination and an arc cut in half
06 Jan 16:08
I like the way the tree lights made star shapes.Really nice.
My favourite Cathedral with its Christmas tree, just got round to processing it.
9, very slight tilt to the right Mitch but it's a lovely church with excellent processing...
@Graham.....I can assure you the image isn't tilted, checked the bottom of the window with grid lines. You must be looking at the black tiles at the bottom of the image, which is probably slight lens distortion.
Excellent processing.
Nice colours and lovely church, a 10 from me if I could have seen the whole arched.
I love it. I agree that it would be better to see the top of the arch but I like the process enough. I don't see a tilt. Is this the churn your wife was standing outside of?
Sorry Ian, I totally meant that to be a 10
Agree about to see the whole arch.
10 from me faultless process
nice church, slight inclination and an arc cut in half
I like the way the tree lights made star shapes.Really nice.
Agree with kkeesy, very nice processing
Beautiful work.
looks good to me
agree with others