please comment focus my photo process improvements. thanks in advance.
22 Jun 20:49
thanks rrr
22 Jun 20:52
I would have darkened the water in the foreground to give depth to the image, though this is only my opinion, and personal preference.
22 Jun 20:54
using colour burn that is.
22 Jun 20:56
On a setting of around 6-8
22 Jun 20:58
thanks Rrr, I am new to HDR, so I am focusing using the Photomatix and try to avoid PS, so if darken the water and the building become darken too, any advice?
22 Jun 21:26
To get the kind of looks that most photographers on here use, you will have to also use some other photo manipulation program, doesnt have to be photoshop there are lots of free ones around. But here is a good tutorial
22 Jun 21:29
rrr there is the full link the above one was incorrect.
22 Jun 21:38
fredzhang Plus User
Too tight composition, the most left building should have been completely inside the picture.
22 Jun 21:39
By the way its a good shot anyway, but since you asked how I would have changed it thats what I would have done, but like I said personal pref
22 Jun 21:40
Freds also correct, you should listen to what he says he is an excellent photographer.
22 Jun 21:59
you are all great! thank you lots
22 Jun 22:27
digicam Plus User
Thanks for allowing us to View Full Size. Best way to properly assess an image. At Full Size the image seems a bit Over Sharpened for my eyes. Excellent subject matter nonetheless. Keep shooting.
22 Jun 23:46
are you from Vancouver ?
23 Jun 12:39
23 Jun 17:55
Great shot
24 Jun 19:27
The scene is worth a 10. I would like to see things a little sharper. Def shoot RAW instead of JPEG too
please comment focus my photo process improvements. thanks in advance.
thanks rrr
I would have darkened the water in the foreground to give depth to the image, though this is only my opinion, and personal preference.
using colour burn that is.
On a setting of around 6-8
thanks Rrr, I am new to HDR, so I am focusing using the Photomatix and try to avoid PS, so if darken the water and the building become darken too, any advice?
To get the kind of looks that most photographers on here use, you will have to also use some other photo manipulation program, doesnt have to be photoshop there are lots of free ones around. But here is a good tutorial there is the full link the above one was incorrect.
Too tight composition, the most left building should have been completely inside the picture.
By the way its a good shot anyway, but since you asked how I would have changed it thats what I would have done, but like I said personal pref
Freds also correct, you should listen to what he says he is an excellent photographer.
you are all great! thank you lots
Thanks for allowing us to View Full Size. Best way to properly assess an image. At Full Size the image seems a bit Over Sharpened for my eyes. Excellent subject matter nonetheless. Keep shooting.
are you from Vancouver ?
Great shot
The scene is worth a 10. I would like to see things a little sharper. Def shoot RAW instead of JPEG too