Little Kitty

Picture by vargen

  • 3896
  • 8
  • 2
  • November 10, 2009
  • Picture of the day
  • Canon EOS 400D
  • Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Single RAW File
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
pet cat


10 Nov 12:37

Three JPG images with different exposures converted from single RAW file... Merged them in to one and tonemapped using Photomatix Pro... Then in PhotoShop applied just a touch of Orton technique to give a rather soft look and used layer mask to bring back some of the details on the cat...

10 Nov 13:30

I like ! 8/10

10 Nov 15:52

Thank you for your description

11 Nov 13:40

Great postwork on this image. Like the lite touch of Orton's also......8/10

11 Nov 14:26

I'm really impressed with the way the brick colors came out. 9/10

01 Dec 22:12

Excellent. I'd have cropped it just a bit tighter (behind cat and top beam) for even grater impact and deeper concentration on bricks, but still excellent as is.

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