2010 Mercedes Benz S-550 at Channelside Tampa

Picture by jasoncollin

  • 3335
  • 3
  • 0
  • February 12, 2010
  • Nikon D300
  • Tamron XR Di II 17-50mm f/2.8
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes
Mercedes S-550 Tampa car auto hotel


12 Feb 04:04

A client hired me to photograph his 2010 S-550. He showed me some samples of how he would like the final images to turn out, and I thought HDR would best suit what he wanted. This was my favorite shot of the evening.

12 Feb 05:55

This is very well done. 8/10

12 Feb 09:50

Nice composition and details..8/10

12 Feb 11:19

Very nice ...8/10

12 Feb 11:22

You did a good job Jason! Couple of suggestions - your client would probably want others to know that it's his car in the image so you ought to replace the number plate part of the image with one of the original shots so it's readable. Roof of TWHI buildi

12 Feb 11:25

Roof of the TWHI building suggests you might need a tiny CW rotation or skewing...? Both easy fix - fine image! 8/10

12 Feb 13:35

Thanks everyone.... @Gorolon, the client did receive an unaltered license plate version. I just whited it out for posting it online.

12 Feb 13:40

Fair enough...

12 Feb 19:32

Great shot..i like the true black ..very sharp..

14 Feb 23:18

Love the sky and clearity of the picture 8/10

23 Mar 17:31

Thank you everyone. I am impressed by the amount of fast feedback and comments on HDRcreme.

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