Again like the last image (this is the same one I think) it is not correctly exposed or processed.
Do you really have a 1D Mark IV?
17 Apr 17:28
It is an HDR w/ 5 exp. then processed in Lightroom & then taken into CS4 for curves, H&S and then alot of unsarp mask. I think it is exposed and processed. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" PS... I do have a 1D Mark IV.
18 Apr 02:06
1D Mark IV sells at ebay for about $5000 , body only.
Again like the last image (this is the same one I think) it is not correctly exposed or processed. PS Do you really have a 1D Mark IV?
It is an HDR w/ 5 exp. then processed in Lightroom & then taken into CS4 for curves, H&S and then alot of unsarp mask. I think it is exposed and processed. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" PS... I do have a 1D Mark IV.
1D Mark IV sells at ebay for about $5000 , body only.
I got mine from B&H and it was $4999