Fire and Ice

Picture by 4colourprogress

  • 1929
  • 5
  • 0
  • October 16, 2010
  • Tokina 11-16mm
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes


16 Oct 19:35

It's coming up to my year anniversary for photography and I realised that I haven't taken any proper sunset shots yet. So I headed off to the lea valley the place where my photography journey started to get some shots. It was raining when I arrived and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon. I found a prime location for a shot and just sat there waiting patiently and about 30 minutes before the sun was due to set the sky opened and I was given a chance to test out my HDR skills on a sunset and this is the result. As always it's a 3 shot HDR taken on my D90

16 Oct 20:27

Very nice.

17 Oct 08:17


17 Oct 08:50

Super good:-)

17 Oct 18:43

clear and nice work

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