Nice colors and processing. Looks a little tilted to me.
29 Dec 14:53
Not nearly as strong as the image of your blockhouse. A little over processed, Gray sky and clouds in the middle. I would reduce the contrast a bit an increase the exposure by 1/2 to 2/3 stop to lighten the sand.
I love the sand and rocks, really nice
Great Sky and Beach, looks wonderful.
beautiful picture !
Love the composition and detail. Very well done.
Nice colors and processing. Looks a little tilted to me.
Not nearly as strong as the image of your blockhouse. A little over processed, Gray sky and clouds in the middle. I would reduce the contrast a bit an increase the exposure by 1/2 to 2/3 stop to lighten the sand.
thank you for your comments!
nice work. great process on the sand and sky
nice..well done