Catheterization Laboratory Room

Picture by herwindo

  • 2220
  • 9
  • 0
  • January 05, 2011
  • Canon 7d
  • Sigma 10-20
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, 0, 2
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Others / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes Piuuhhh... Tons of pictures today,... nothing for tommorow... :D
Cath hosital room


05 Jan 11:00

Wiki says: "A catheterization laboratory or cath lab is an examination room in a hospital or clinic with diagnostic imaging equipment used to support the catheterization procedure. A catheter is inserted into a large artery, and various wires and devices can be inserted through the body via the catheter which is inside the artery. The artery most used is the femoral artery.However, the femoral artery is associated with local complication in up to 3% of patients[citation needed] and hence, more interventional physicians are moving towards the radial (wrist) artery, as an alternative site. Disadvantages of the radial artery include small vessel caliber and a different "learning curve" for physicians used to the femoral (groin) access."

05 Jan 11:13

Very nice, the Photo really gives the feeling of an operation room.

05 Jan 11:26

Very original!

05 Jan 11:40

Dahsyat bro... keren!

05 Jan 11:45

Great processing and interesting subject.

05 Jan 14:03

YOu get a ten for the picture but the story scares the crap out of me! No catheter needed!

05 Jan 15:51

This is so unusual, its fantastic, its really thought provoking, great subject.

05 Jan 21:55

...and after this little lesson in medicine, we are ready for anything! very original photo

06 Jan 01:17

Great photo. Not something you want to hang on the wall, but well done. And it's not an old truck, an old car, and old boat, or anything else old, which is a good thing.

06 Jan 03:13

Nice shot...good subject

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