Tree of The Golden Light

Picture by levon

  • 2528
  • 5
  • 1
  • January 15, 2011
  • Canon EOS 400D
  • Sigma 10-20 HSM
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes


15 Jan 11:44

Awesome image.

15 Jan 12:33

Fantastic process,to my favorites welldone!

15 Jan 13:38

Nice one

16 Jan 00:54

This doesn't look like HDR. Highlights are blown out & shadows are solid black. Why? The purpose of HDR is to capture detail in the highlights & the shadows. You could get the same effect with one exposure and a point & shoot camera. I'm not being mean, j

16 Jan 00:55

just telling you the truth.

16 Jan 09:17

That's ok, Simon. :) I have a lot of photos in other galleries but here I post photos that have been processed through Photomatix and then Photoshop. Just wanted this photo to look like exactly as it is now. Thank you for your criticism.

16 Jan 17:40

I disagree with mlibrescu. There are multiple purposes to shoot HDR and infinite ways of doing it. In this case, I'm sure you couldn't make the sky look so great if it wasn't HDR.

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