The lighthouse and bell tower at Liloan, Cebu, Philippines
23 Feb 13:02
Good for a single image post. Sharp and Clear with Great Detail. However a bit overcooked. White clouds should NOT look BLUE. Powerlines Kill and Distract from image.
24 Feb 05:36
Hello digicam, and thank you for rating my work. I agree, the clouds were really diminished after processing, I had to sacrifice that just to make the blues in the lighthouse look more distinct. As for the power lines, I left it as it is since that is exa
The lighthouse and bell tower at Liloan, Cebu, Philippines
Good for a single image post. Sharp and Clear with Great Detail. However a bit overcooked. White clouds should NOT look BLUE. Powerlines Kill and Distract from image.
Hello digicam, and thank you for rating my work. I agree, the clouds were really diminished after processing, I had to sacrifice that just to make the blues in the lighthouse look more distinct. As for the power lines, I left it as it is since that is exa