- views 5118
- likes 26
- favourites 4
- published February 28, 2011
- POTD Picture of the day
- Canon EOS 50D
- tokina 11-16mm
- Shooting Style Hand Held
- Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
- Exposures Number -2,0,+2
- Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
- File Format RAW
- Notes
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i love the scene.. perfect
Great composition, original shot!
A motive as by Caspar David Friedrich. But the sky is too gray in the middle righthand side.
nice candid mas.... n scene also ...
nice candid mas.... n scene also ...
Nice Shot
Great framing!
A storybook image. Great framing and exposure control.
tres belle compposition
love it, the whole scene they are sitting in looks like an upside down love heart to me.
Beautiful!!!Perfect Composition!!
Congrats on POD!
Nice mood.
I LOVE it!
Great scene and HDR work! Congrats for the day photo!
very good composition lovley done
Great! Very beautiful!
There're no words but perfect! I love this composition!
Nice Shot
So romantic!
Less can be more. A great effort here...
Amazing. Reminds me of that famous W. Eugene Smith photo of the kids
Love it !