After the storm
- views 4097
- likes 20
- favourites 2
- published March 14, 2011
- POTD Picture of the day
- Shooting Style Tripod
- Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
- Exposures Number -2 -1 0 +1 +2
- Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
- File Format RAW
- Notes
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Great capture and processing.
Very nice image. I love the clouds!
Excellent image!!Like it!
Perfect pic and processing! Awesome sky!
This is just perfect
Details in building, cement and bikes very nice. Do you ride bicylces when photographing?
Great work
Beautiful colors and details. A remarkable scene....I love!! Perfect shot!!!!!
Detail enhancer at it's best!
Great process and nice captured mate.....
Like something from a movie (Thinking of "The Neverending Story", this is brilliant.
tres beau travail.
This one is very original and so well-processed! Congrats for this great capture!
wonderful pattern, nice processing also
Love the sky, excellent job!
ohhh-some!!! look 3D to me
Very cool!
great processing. love this photo
Great work!
The sky seems to come from a royalty free stock photo because you use it so often :-(( My first vote was a mistake as I know now ...
you should let us know in your notes when you alter your foto, your portfolio shows the same scene without the cloudy sky