Doomsday - "Last Exit"

Picture by roliketto

  • 2574
  • 6
  • 0
  • June 22, 2011
  • Canon 5D Mark 2
  • Canon 16-35 EF f2:8L USM II
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, 0, +2
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
HDR Doomsday


22 Jun 12:20

This shot I took on my way home, Sky was so dramatic and it was early evening... Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 16-35 EF f2.8L USM II, F11. Handheld three exposures processed in Photomatix Pro and Colour Effex Pro, completed work in Photoshop CS5

22 Jun 13:24

Me gusta la perspectiva, veo el follaje y los edificios demasiado negros.

22 Jun 13:59

Nice sky!

22 Jun 14:17

I agree with Ricardo but the sky is very beautiful!!

22 Jun 14:25

Thank you guys for your comments, can anyone please translate what rcuelo said? I don't speack this language, thank you

22 Jun 16:13

I think rcuello says he likes the perspective, but the trees/leafes and the buildings are too dark. My Spanish is "a bit" rusty :-((

22 Jun 16:14

Thank you for translating, I appreciate it! Cheers

22 Jun 16:15

I translate my comment on Doomsday - "Last Exit" with the Google translator, I hope you understand. "I like the perspective, I see the foliage and buildings too black."

22 Jun 16:32

Thank you so much for all your comments and votes, it is appreciated here.... The reason I kept the dark sides of the trees was my title - doomsday, I could easily bring back the lights, but thought then it would be to happy shot with bright colours, how

22 Jun 17:57

Nice theme and compo --reminds me of the movie The Road

22 Jun 18:48

nice mood

22 Jun 19:25

i like it;-.)

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