
Picture by bryantbullard

  • 2141
  • 5
  • 1
  • July 07, 2011
  • 10-24mm
  • Shooting Style
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software Others / Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes


07 Jul 02:38

Here in the United States we have experienced a drought like no other in our history. Lakes have dried up, the crops that we depend on have withered, and the cattle have nothing to eat. Here in the north Texas panhandle, they have not received rain since sept of last year. on my visit this 4th Of July, a rain storm appeared in the distance. It was the first promise of rain since last year. By far my least favorite hdr i have captured, by far the most unatractive situation i have witnessed. Hope....

07 Jul 11:11

Great image - I would have given it a 10 if you'd done something crazy like use selective colour on the sky so it was golden and warm looking where it opens up :o)

07 Jul 12:20

Great image. It would really stand out with a little more detail on plant. Visually appealing non the less.

07 Jul 14:25

Not crazy about this one Bryant, Great effort nonetheless

07 Jul 16:10

Great pic!

07 Jul 20:16

Hope the rain will come...

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