These machines really amaze me. The weight they pick up and the things they move.
18 Aug 12:57
that i can understand:-) well processed.
18 Aug 14:27
Clean and sharp
18 Aug 14:33
Greater clarity in the process.
I think if you had cut over the fence, you gave more prominence to the machine, as this distracts the attention.
18 Aug 14:33
Greater clarity in the process.
I think if you had cut over the fence, you gave more prominence to the machine, as this distracts the attention.
18 Aug 16:03
subject uninteresting
18 Aug 16:20
Nice one! Clean and sharp, well processed!
18 Aug 16:42
@ Pandarino : The subject of Jennifer is much more interesting that your !!!!
18 Aug 19:27
well done
18 Aug 20:03
@ @ vtrou pecoreproduction I accept the criticism for over a year and help me too, but when they are written in the wrong way ....!!!!???? JJ, however, does not need to be defended because it knows how to do it alone .... thanks for the 7
18 Aug 20:28
Oh my the drama!
18 Aug 21:13
Superb Capture JJ
19 Aug 09:59
I like that maritime stuff. we have here in Bremerhaven gantry cranes can carry 76t under the hook! Great shot, clear and sharp.
19 Aug 14:57
same as rcuello.... rock with dry gras will do fine to give depth in contrast to the technical motive
20 Aug 21:41
Beautiful work Jennifer!Cropping the fence at the bottom would have scored you more points though :-)
These machines really amaze me. The weight they pick up and the things they move.
that i can understand:-) well processed.
Clean and sharp
Greater clarity in the process. I think if you had cut over the fence, you gave more prominence to the machine, as this distracts the attention.
Greater clarity in the process. I think if you had cut over the fence, you gave more prominence to the machine, as this distracts the attention.
subject uninteresting
Nice one! Clean and sharp, well processed!
@ Pandarino : The subject of Jennifer is much more interesting that your !!!!
well done
@ @ vtrou pecoreproduction I accept the criticism for over a year and help me too, but when they are written in the wrong way ....!!!!???? JJ, however, does not need to be defended because it knows how to do it alone .... thanks for the 7
Oh my the drama!
Superb Capture JJ
I like that maritime stuff. we have here in Bremerhaven gantry cranes can carry 76t under the hook! Great shot, clear and sharp.
same as rcuello.... rock with dry gras will do fine to give depth in contrast to the technical motive
Beautiful work Jennifer!Cropping the fence at the bottom would have scored you more points though :-)