Old Land Rover

Picture by mattteare

  • 4547
  • 4
  • 0
  • August 30, 2011
  • Sony Alpha 300
  • Stock 18-70mm
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, 0, +2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes
Land Rover Farm


30 Aug 21:12

An Old Land Rover on a farm

30 Aug 21:49

Low score from me i'm afraid, i feel you've pushed the HDR to far. Try working on HDR then bringing back the background and surrounding detal with layers. Also tone back the sliders.

30 Aug 22:49

Welcome. My score would be 8, but I want to compensate for the absurdity of the previous score. It is logical that when you discover HDR process tends to be about as in this case. Read the comments are the rest of the photos and improve their work.

30 Aug 23:04

Hi ... I am new to HDR and just practising with the format ... hope to get better with each photo .... this one is extreme but i thought it needed to be ... Matt

31 Aug 00:28

concur with rcuello. Good to see another Sony Shooter! You have a great camera with great abilities.

31 Aug 09:19

Good effort nonetheless.Keep on shooting and posting.Practice make perfect at the end of the day

31 Aug 10:28

you do not deserves 5 ​​on this picture, you might have gone a bit hard in the controls in both color and process, but your your photo is very sharp, a good starting point :-)

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