It´s a great motive, but somehow your pictures are always kind of blurry at the edge definition.
30 Sep 09:53
I have mentioned this to you three times, there is a difference between blur and softness.
Its not blur it is a softness that I add to some of my images to create a subltle dream like effect.
30 Sep 10:23
capisco le tue ragioni mitch però è vero gli aloni sono troppi!se vuoi ottenere foto soft migliori prova ad usare virtual photografer plugin!
30 Sep 10:43
Im confuse........ I dont vedere gli aloni
30 Sep 12:25
Nice colors - sort of pastel albeit with a nice contrast. Not everyone subscribes to your 'soft' style but there is no pleasing everyone. Keep up the good work!
30 Sep 13:23
superb and nice, there are 2 colors that combine ensemble
01 Oct 03:44
I kind of like the soft almost faded style...
01 Oct 08:00
This is great. I get the softness. If it had the hard arsed treated it would lose its attraction in my opinion.
01 Oct 08:01
I meant to say hard arsed treatment, not treated...
01 Oct 09:58
I agree, in the same way that some images suit less/more saturation than others or even bright/dark, depends upon the mood of the image.
Rhyl Promenade in the evening
It´s a great motive, but somehow your pictures are always kind of blurry at the edge definition.
I have mentioned this to you three times, there is a difference between blur and softness. Its not blur it is a softness that I add to some of my images to create a subltle dream like effect.
capisco le tue ragioni mitch però è vero gli aloni sono troppi!se vuoi ottenere foto soft migliori prova ad usare virtual photografer plugin!
Im confuse........ I dont vedere gli aloni
Nice colors - sort of pastel albeit with a nice contrast. Not everyone subscribes to your 'soft' style but there is no pleasing everyone. Keep up the good work!
superb and nice, there are 2 colors that combine ensemble
I kind of like the soft almost faded style...
This is great. I get the softness. If it had the hard arsed treated it would lose its attraction in my opinion.
I meant to say hard arsed treatment, not treated...
I agree, in the same way that some images suit less/more saturation than others or even bright/dark, depends upon the mood of the image.