Lost and Found

Picture by paul_mack

  • 3354
  • 6
  • 1
  • October 01, 2011
  • Canon EOS 500D
  • Sigma 10-20mm
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes 3xshots@2ev,Sigma 10-20@10,Photomatix 4.1.2,Topaz Denoise,CS5 and Nik Software Color Efex Proβ„’ 3.0 filters.
Hdr vagrants abandoned


01 Oct 13:00

If looking for good shots in unsafe areas,it is always advisable to travel in pairs.I saw this before while traveling alone one day,but was not stupid enough to stop and run in with expensive looking equipment(that is almost like jumping into a river full of hungry piranha).This day I happened to have somebody with me and we stopped outside,immediately drawing some serious glances from some locals.He kept the car running while I dragged the camera and already attached tripod out of the car.I told him to blow the horn if anybody made any suspicious moves and ran into the front yard area of this,so I thought,abandoned home. I wanted a really close up in your face wide angle of the abode,but lost my nerve just before getting too close.I dropped down the tripod and fired off three shots just as I heard raised voices.What caught my attention while processing this was the tv in the front yard... :-)

01 Oct 13:09

Great story and even better shot.

01 Oct 19:45

the sky is a terrible menace

02 Oct 01:19

Good job! Agree with pandanino:) Very moody!

02 Oct 17:07

South Africa? Neat story. Processing is good.

26 Jun 18:12

Like a secret place behind the wall.

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