Shem Creek
- views 8905
- likes 18
- favourites 1
- published October 04, 2011
- Canon EOS Rebel XS
- 18-55mm
- Shooting Style Tripod
- Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
- Exposures Number -2,0,+2
- Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
- File Format RAW
- Notes
Shem Creek
Mount Pleasant
South Carolina
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Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
like the metallic water surface
Very nice image and well processed. May I suggest cropping out a bit of sky and water to give the subject (houses) more focus.
Very beautiful scene Jennifer.Nicely processed as well.
I was a distant away. This is already a crop. The photo started to look a little too noisey if I do anymore. Thanks again. :)
Well done, J.J.!
9 for the great image and 1 for reminding me of the great seafood at the Shem Creek Grill. Many years since I have been there.
Wouah !!!
Nice scene, but the image is quite noisy/unsharp.
lovely sunset! great processing. Well done
Nice shot, well processed :-)
Wonderful Picture for me, great job here.
wop wop!
molto bella
good job
Great shot. Your whole portfolio is amazing!
Very good