
Picture by rcuello

  • 5044
  • 18
  • 3
  • October 20, 2011
  • Picture of the day
  • 3969-123-RAY 0.66x HD conversion lens 55mm
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2 0 +2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
billar hdr ev aperture shutter bracketing jpg raw


20 Oct 08:45

Perform this composition, mostly to experiment with the tool to remove the ghosts from Photomatix. Comes to the conclusion that the shot -to select the area- which almost does not cause problems is with (0 EV). For this image made three shots, in this order: (-2EV), (+ 2 EV) and (0EV). Order is not casual, therefore, the ball necessarily had to be done the shoot in (0EV), which, if you changed the order, he would move the rest of the scene, generating more ghosts to align the images. In this way, only should be concerned by the ghost of the ball in motion. To launch the ball, I have argued the Poles so that they do not move. As I have no a remote trigger, use the timer of 2 seconds. My Panasonic FZ50 has in JPG format only, as prefer to do the shots in RAW. Achieving bracketing using manual mode, with fixed aperture (in this case 2.8) and play with the shutter speed, therefore the values of (-2EV), (+2EV) and (0EV) are approximate. Finally halos in the sticks of golf and clock, are natural, not caused by the process, the paint was discolored. Yesterday I could not be online, so I take this opportunity to thank the interesting comments and votes by "Green car". Sorry for the translation. Para los que hablan español: Realice esta composición, principalmente para experimentar con la herramienta de remover fantasmas de Photomatix. Llegue a la conclusión que el disparo -para seleccionar el area- que causa menos problemas es con (0EV). Para esta imagen hice tres disparos, en este orden: (-2EV), (+2EV) y (0EV). El orden no es casual, por lo anterior, la bola necesariamente tenia que hacerla en la toma (0EV), por lo cual si cambiaba el orden, se moveria el resto de la escena, generando más fantasmas al alinear las imagenes. In este caso, solamente debia preocuparme del fantasma de la bola en movimiento. Al lanzar la bola tuve que sujetar los palos para que no se movieran. Como no tengo disparador remoto, use el retraso de 2 segundos. Mi Panasonic FZ50 tiene bracketing solamente del formato JPG, prefiero hacer las tomas en RAW. Logro el bracketing usando el modo manual, con la apertura fija (en este caso 2.8) y jugando con la velocidad de obturación. Por lo cual los valores de (-2EV), (+2EV) y (0EV) son aproximados. Finalmente los halos en los palos de golf y el reloj, son naturales, no son causados por el proceso, la pintura estaba descolorida.

20 Oct 09:09

this is cool great shot.

20 Oct 09:39

nice shot, but the colors are distorted, perhaps by a cold neon light

20 Oct 09:50

Cool, i like that, much work for the shot and the result is really good.

20 Oct 10:09

That's what we need lot's on info about the shot. I'm going to print this off and use the explanation as a reference. Thank you.

20 Oct 10:27

Crisp at the front, soft at the back, great process.

20 Oct 12:59

How fun. Thanks for sharing.

20 Oct 14:11

Very interesting work!

20 Oct 16:18

Great Billiard shot. Once again thanks for bringing the Anti-ghost tool to my attention.

20 Oct 20:34

Interesting shot. Great processing.

20 Oct 22:20

nice shot

21 Oct 00:24

Thanks to all for your support.

21 Oct 10:30

Caro Ricardo riesci sempre a stupirmi bravo e complimenti

21 Oct 12:57

Great shot, great composition.

21 Oct 17:23

Perfect shot!

22 Oct 11:40

good good photo and good colors...very nice composition!

22 Oct 12:37

Good stuff!

22 Oct 18:21

The saturation and shadow work is superb!

19 Nov 02:18

Great shot. Great idea.

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