St digains

Picture by daze420

  • 4496
  • 7
  • 0
  • November 05, 2011
  • Olympus E420
  • 14-42mm
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Single RAW File
  • Exposures Number -2,-1,0,+1,+2,
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
St digains llangernwy north wales church old hdr


05 Nov 05:48

The church of St Digains is famous for a mysterious act, that of "Angelystor" or the "recording angel". Here is a writing from the Rev Elias Owen written in 1896 "This then may be what attracted the presence of the mysterious "Angelystor". Angelystor - the Recording Angel - manifested itself in the church every Hallowe'en. Here, at dead of night, it would intone in a deep and solemn voice the names of all those in the parish who were to die in the following year. One fateful Hallowe-en night, after a few too many pints, the village tailor, a know-all named Sh么n ap Robert, laughingly derided the existence of the Recording Angel. Spurred on by his drinking pals, he barged out of the Stag hotel into the night and made his wobbly way to the church, to prove Angelystor a myth. But when he arrived at the door he heard to his horror a deep voice booming from within. It was reciting names. And the first name he heard was - "Sh么n ap Robert"! "Hold, hold!" he cried. "I am not ready yet!" But, ready or not, he found his grave in Llangernyw churchyard that coming year."

05 Nov 10:41

Nice subject. The halo was a bit too conspicuous and the lighting a bit strange.

05 Nov 11:01

Creepy story. The frame and the process are very well pity the halos and the cloud burned.

05 Nov 11:57

la storia 猫 da grattarsi la p...e(the balls)come si usa fare dalle mie parti!il lavoro 猫 buono ma la bruciatura in alto non va bene!

05 Nov 14:26

daze420, do not tell me that you had not seen in the top right!

05 Nov 16:26

What a story! I give you nine for the very nice subject.

05 Nov 16:39

I agree with Leonardo, but very nice subject! ;)

05 Nov 17:00

There are some defects in your photo (halo and white burned). Restart without it and the picture is perfect ;)

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