
Picture by rcuello

  • 2033
  • 11
  • 0
  • November 14, 2011
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -1.5 0 +1.5
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
panasonic fz50 lumix


14 Nov 00:57

Lumix FZ50: Thank you for the services rendered, after many years I have to leave. Is that since joining HDR Creme, I realized we had many problems with noise and definition. He served a stage, you can raise some money and bought my first reflex. Is a new experience, I will be eternally grateful. I'm a little afraid, as this with the unknown, despite being very happy with the new acquisition I expected a big challenge, I hope to learn the operation of a reflex, which at first glance, it is much more complicated than you. To my comrades in HDR, hopefully with your comments give me suggestions on how to take advantage of a reflex. The photo "Magenta" was taken with my new camera, and this too. I propose a game with your comments, try to guess which team is.

14 Nov 01:07

Congratulations on your new Nikon D7000!

14 Nov 04:29

Enjoy the new Camera! Hey your new Nikon blurred out the half empty bottles of your bar nicely in this Photo ;)

14 Nov 05:32

Nice shot Ricardo.Enjoy that Nikon

14 Nov 10:24

con quell'ottica si fanno ottime cose

14 Nov 10:31

Very real imagem.

14 Nov 12:11

Bye Bye Lumix.....great dof.

14 Nov 13:17

ciao ciao lumix...

14 Nov 16:49

Excellent Work

14 Nov 18:25

Oh wow, i am a bit jelous now, the D7000 is one of my favorite Cams i wish to have.Nice first shot.

14 Nov 19:14

Felicitaciones por su nueva cámara, Ricardo. Estoy seguro de que estará en las manos adecuadas.

20 Nov 15:37

You are really going to enjoy the new camera.

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