Humbug Sweetshop

Picture by mitch19

  • 2008
  • 7
  • 0
  • November 19, 2011
  • Canon 1000D
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -1 0 +1
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro / Others
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes


19 Nov 09:34

Humbug sweetshop and ice cream parlour

19 Nov 10:53

Nice job pity the car couldnt be just out of the pic.great work

19 Nov 13:38

l'auto a sinistra (sembra la mia auto)non ci voleva perΓ² mi piace molto la foto ed Γ¨ ben processata!

19 Nov 13:44

Agree with damo plus the chromatic abberation is quite noticable on the chairs on left of shop front & corner brickwork.....

19 Nov 14:03
mitch19 are correct about the chairs on the left having chromatic abberations, but you have very good eye sight, because I had to zoom in on my original to see it. Have to watch out for that in future posts.

19 Nov 15:58

Time to take your photos to the next level. Think about composition. Look at the photos of Joel Meyerowitz, specifically the Cape Light book. Take a look at and

19 Nov 16:24

@milbrescu...Im happy with the level of my photography at this time, but of course there is always room to improve on yourself, as Im sure you'll agree as I have looked through your photos. Have a look at Trey Ratcliffe !!

19 Nov 21:36

nice (with Pshop5 is possible to cancel the car on the left : select the car / shift+F5/ enter)

20 Nov 00:27

Thanks Learnado, I will give that a try

20 Nov 15:48

Nice one Mitch.You do know you can open Raw in PS5(all 3 expos),check "select all" and "synch" as well.Adjust for Chro.Abrtn and then save to 16bit tiff.Then you can happily tonemap the tiff files in Photomatix minus the CA.Just a friendly nudge if in fac

21 Nov 16:51

Very nice.

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