I like the composition and process.
incredible elements, gauge, cream Chinese, binoculars, etc.. etc. are all great.
08 Dec 13:59
the process is very good, but not the composition. Too many objects that do not create a point of attraction. A great photographer said "the more you take away from the scene is adding to it the more interesting"
08 Dec 14:00
il processo va molto bene, invece la composizione meno. Troppi oggetti che non creano un punto di attrazione. Un grande Fotografo diceva "piรน si toglie dalla scena piรน si aggiunge interesse"
08 Dec 14:30
Super process....good subject for HDR
08 Dec 16:24
Agree with mitch.
08 Dec 18:16
I like the interesting objects
08 Dec 22:36
Superb Indeed
08 Dec 23:45
Love the subject
09 Dec 04:22
Perfect processing!
09 Dec 12:18
You can't begin understand the quality of this image unless you click on it.
good subject and a great process
I like the composition and process. incredible elements, gauge, cream Chinese, binoculars, etc.. etc. are all great.
the process is very good, but not the composition. Too many objects that do not create a point of attraction. A great photographer said "the more you take away from the scene is adding to it the more interesting"
il processo va molto bene, invece la composizione meno. Troppi oggetti che non creano un punto di attrazione. Un grande Fotografo diceva "piรน si toglie dalla scena piรน si aggiunge interesse"
Super process....good subject for HDR
Agree with mitch.
I like the interesting objects
Superb Indeed
Love the subject
Perfect processing!
You can't begin understand the quality of this image unless you click on it.