Just beyond the village of St. Michael, on the harsh relief stand out the lonely walls of Monreale. Possession of the ancient Appian, the castle, following the decline of the family, and then went to the Tyrol to the Hapsburgs. Entrusted to many owners Monreale bears the traces of many remakes: the ancient Romanesque tower, in the table at the bottom left, were added in the Gothic style of residential buildings, later renovated with Renaissance elements such as climbing the battlements, the chapel, located on the first reachable from the floor and balcony. Through the wide porch with double century nave, we reach the castle courtyard, overlooked by two triple lancet Corinthian capitals, in the table at the bottom right we show a glimpse of the court, with the beautiful three-light window of the hall of Judgement and the two long galleries.
12 Dec 15:52
Nice! The castle look good with the light`s.
12 Dec 16:29
12 Dec 20:30
il cielo è un po rumoroso sulla parte alta destra, ma va bene... buona forte composizione
12 Dec 20:46
Come già detto, avrei voluto maggior spazio attorno...ma ho capito il motivo di un taglio così ravvicinato!
Just beyond the village of St. Michael, on the harsh relief stand out the lonely walls of Monreale. Possession of the ancient Appian, the castle, following the decline of the family, and then went to the Tyrol to the Hapsburgs. Entrusted to many owners Monreale bears the traces of many remakes: the ancient Romanesque tower, in the table at the bottom left, were added in the Gothic style of residential buildings, later renovated with Renaissance elements such as climbing the battlements, the chapel, located on the first reachable from the floor and balcony. Through the wide porch with double century nave, we reach the castle courtyard, overlooked by two triple lancet Corinthian capitals, in the table at the bottom right we show a glimpse of the court, with the beautiful three-light window of the hall of Judgement and the two long galleries.
Nice! The castle look good with the light`s.
il cielo è un po rumoroso sulla parte alta destra, ma va bene... buona forte composizione
Come già detto, avrei voluto maggior spazio attorno...ma ho capito il motivo di un taglio così ravvicinato!