General store

Picture by rcuello

  • 1925
  • 5
  • 0
  • January 04, 2012
  • Camera: Nikon D7000 - AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-105 mm
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number From -4 to +3 (Steep 1 EV)
  • Editing Software Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
general store dinning room peñarol railway


04 Jan 21:51

Following the constructions made ​​by the British Railway Company early twentieth century, National Historical Patrimony Today, embedded in the neighborhood Peñarol. Present what was the general store, now converted into a public dining room for low-income people.

04 Jan 23:01

nice shot, a question: are you sure that you must always -4 -3... I read in a manual that too many shots are also the sum of more noises, more aberrations

05 Jan 08:24

I'm still experimenting with my new camera. Hand I can only take 3 photos, bracketing the poor. With tripod, using personal settings I can take up to nine photos. He understood that the more expositions better.

05 Jan 15:10

a mia modesta esperienza so' che per il jpeg ci vogliono + scatti,per il raw bastano 3 scatti da 2 step per raccogliere il range luminoso.lo scatto in questione mi sembra troppo soft,è una mia impressione!

05 Jan 15:24

well done

05 Jan 19:01

Best of the 3 shots so far. Tree at the right in the roof is funny.

05 Jan 20:58

Thanks for the tips, I'll keep trying different alternatives.

05 Jan 21:21

Great job ;)

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