Tramonti romani
Picture by mau67
- 5285
- 27
- 2
- January 14, 2012
- Shooting Style Tripod
- Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
- Exposures Number -2-0-+2
- Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
- File Format RAW
- Notes
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Friends tidbits for you: what you see in the background is the old volcano of the Alban Hills (Mount Jupiter to the Romans), the place where I live!
Wow a beautiful place.
bella bella ma da dove l'hai fatta? eri dietri il campidoglio?
The sky looks a little anemic.
Beautiful none the less.
Sempre ottimi squarci della città cielo così così.
Very well done
So beautifull town!
un cielo senza nuvole posso anche accettarlo purchè sia ben fatto e questo cielo non è bellissimo
Well done.
It is a nice photo for it is so clear and wonderful!
It is a nice photo for it is so clear and wonderful!
You are living in a very beautiful place!
Great photo, even the atmospheric opaque haze in the lower part of sky is well captured.
Simply beautiful.
Again a masterpiece...look like a painting !!
Very beautiful !!
The best POV of Rome.
Looks fantastic to me.
Usual high standard!
Bella la tecnica e l'inquadratura e a me trasmette un senso di calore e di morbidezza, di "pace".
I like it
Maurizio, you have a great view of Rome. Beautiful photography.
Wonderful, love the different layers: is a real 3D fake! Complimenti davvero.