An Old Bridge
- 3750
- 14
- 0
- January 16, 2012
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- 24-105
- Shooting Style
- Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
- Exposures Number -2,-1,0,+1,+2
- Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
- File Format RAW
- Notes
sun set
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I love everything about this photo except the halo around the tree :( without it a 10
Quiet and peaceful light.
According to enigmatic, equally great job.
immagine bellissima,spettacolare,non posso mettere 10 perchè è piena di aloni e bruciatura sulla sinistra
Great, but hallos.
Outstanding POV but it looks over processed (halos). But you captured a great range of colors - very nice.
Halo around the tree and burning sky on the upper left side, but a wonderful motive and POV.
All has been said already - great job though ...
The burning sky I think is part of the charm here,but you need to find a way around the halo issue.Very good work otherwise!
Very nice, wonderful motive.
Agree with previous remarks. Great location
Great work.
Really Love it sir!