Ballater Railway Station

Picture by hdr_image

  • 3514
  • 7
  • 0
  • February 24, 2012
  • Canon EOS 500D
  • Sigma 10-20mm
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, 0, +2
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
Scotland HDR Ballater Railway Schottland Highland Deeside


24 Feb 11:04

The area around Braemar and Ballater is known as Royal Deeside, since Queen Victoria and the Royal Family have spent their holidays at Balmoral Castle. The river Dee has an important role for the nature in the area, because much of the semi-natural pinewoods in Scotland are within the river catchment. The whole area is famous for the rare pinewoods, birchwoods and heather moors and presents a associated wildlife. The Ballater Railway Station was the terminus of the Royal Deeside Line from Aberdeen. It was opened by the Great North of Scotland Railway and was then closed in 1966. The old station was containing Queen Victoria’s waiting room. Nowadays, it is a visitor centre with a replica royal carriage. I took 3 different exposures (-2, 0, +2) and processed the pictures with Photomatix Pro and Photoshop. If you like to see more HDR pictures, please visit my website:

24 Feb 12:32

the pic has halo and the red is too much saturated, the door has no details and present some noise

24 Feb 13:11

Agree with Alessio. Picture is overprocessed.

24 Feb 13:22

Thanks for your comments! I tried something different with this image... Normally I process my pictures natural and smooth... I like that's more looking like a paint than a photograph...

24 Feb 14:10

Excellent Composition. However I agree with above and large watermarks distract from scene.

24 Feb 16:06

A few faults....but overall a very good image !!

24 Feb 16:54

Welcome is seen that you are not new to HDR, the composition is beautiful and the process, besides the mentioned faults is correct.

24 Feb 17:44

Great compositin and HDR (maybe just a tad bright on the red though...)

24 Feb 19:57

Nice shot.

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