Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro / Others
File Format RAW
08 Mar 11:42
mitch warning!This is private road!:)
08 Mar 13:52
great pic mate
08 Mar 14:03
superb shot mitch those trees are great.
08 Mar 14:13
A beautiful dream-like capture.
08 Mar 14:51
my opinion, 5 steps forward and the view of the animals would be more interesting
08 Mar 15:05
Thankyou Leonardo for your opinion, and I do agree with what you are saying, if I was taking a photo of the cows.
But on this occasion I was taking an image of the lane and trees, and the cows were an added background bonus.
08 Mar 20:26
These winding roads that never seem to end
are a good subject for photography. Well done.
08 Mar 20:50
flipd1 Plus User
Nice lush greens. Great job Mitch
08 Mar 21:07
Mitch, what a very moooooving picture. Great shot.
08 Mar 21:43
I like all of the elements in the picture. Great POV, Nice colors.
mitch warning!This is private road!:)
great pic mate
superb shot mitch those trees are great.
A beautiful dream-like capture.
my opinion, 5 steps forward and the view of the animals would be more interesting
Thankyou Leonardo for your opinion, and I do agree with what you are saying, if I was taking a photo of the cows. But on this occasion I was taking an image of the lane and trees, and the cows were an added background bonus.
These winding roads that never seem to end are a good subject for photography. Well done.
Nice lush greens. Great job Mitch
Mitch, what a very moooooving picture. Great shot.
I like all of the elements in the picture. Great POV, Nice colors.
I like it!