Abandoned Mill in Georgia.

Picture by Randall.Lohr

  • 3118
  • 11
  • 1
  • March 13, 2012
  • Canon EOS Rebel Xsi
  • 18-55 canon
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number too many to mention. LONG exposures. it was very very dark in there.
  • Editing Software Others
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes Luminance HDR, NIK
old Mill works


13 Mar 00:56

This is one of those places I cannot believe still exists. Beyond that, I can't believe that I found it and had such an incredible adventure exploring inside. This old mill has obviously not been operated since the late 1960's at best and I assume it's been much longer. The mill lies along a river on a back woods road in Georgia and is visible from the road. Incredibly, 90% of the original components are still there just as they were years ago, trash is strewn around on the floors, but otherwise everything is unmolested. I time capsule of 100 year old technology.

13 Mar 08:37

The lights that shine through the wall... amazing! Another perfect shot from you, Randall! 10 and Fav.

13 Mar 10:22

Very nicely done. I love the wood!

13 Mar 10:27

Excellent subject, I like the lighting and the wood.

13 Mar 10:50


13 Mar 11:22

Perfect for me. Just a little light spot on the floor on the right but doesn't detract from the picture.

13 Mar 12:32

Like the lightspots in the wall. Maybe a little more texture/contrast on the wood? Great location!

13 Mar 12:42

This room was almost pitch black.. all of the light comes from those little cracks in the wood since I had to take such long exposures, it makes it look like there was another light source.

13 Mar 13:25

Awesome shot!!I would really like to get the exif detail of this shot

13 Mar 15:19

f/18 iso100 exposures from 20 sec to 1:00 then set at f22 same settings, then f/5.6... shorter exposures, Raw follows .jpg, mixed about 7 or 8 together for the HDR in Luminance.

13 Mar 16:10

Great subject, very nice lighting

13 Mar 18:51

Great shot Randall, agree with Dirk, perhaps slightly more contrast to help define edges more. Appreciate how dark it must have been....

13 Mar 20:01

Great shot.

13 Mar 23:29

Place with potential, in this case IMHO lack texture. I read that in the different shots for HDR, never vary the aperture (because it changes the focus), always be to vary the speed (change the lighting without changing the focus). It's something that mak

13 Mar 23:30

It's something that makes sense.

13 Mar 23:38

I don't think it changes focus, but it definitely will change depth of field. In this case I was about 8 feet away and as wide as my lens would go and set to infinity, so focus was not an issue.

14 Mar 08:29

Thanks for the exif info Randall.Have to try it myself

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