nice green, you have processed the wrong sky
nice post
Great shot.
Good detail on the subject, but I think it lost some of the balance provided by the HDR process, the sky stayed bright.
Tung Bes, barin e ke tepër të gjelbër e qiellin tepër të bardhë. Oversaturated greens and lack of detail in the sky.
Vendenis said it.. oversaturation of green and the sky as stated but your subject is quite good..
nice green, you have processed the wrong sky
nice post
Great shot.
Good detail on the subject, but I think it lost some of the balance provided by the HDR process, the sky stayed bright.
Tung Bes, barin e ke tepër të gjelbër e qiellin tepër të bardhë. Oversaturated greens and lack of detail in the sky.
Vendenis said it.. oversaturation of green and the sky as stated but your subject is quite good..