Experiment with flowers

Picture by rrr

  • 2340
  • 11
  • 0
  • April 11, 2012
  • compact
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number +1,0,-1
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes The image was processed in photomatix, using compressor and some tweaking of controls. Then in photoshop cropped very slightly, but not much, I then dodged and burned several areas, after which I used the tiffen filters Glimmerglass at 61 and then again at 41 setting, bleach bypass at 28.1(I am a big fan of this process from the old days), gels, nudefx at 46, haze at 24.1. All this combined gave me a soft focus look, and a very slighter richer colour without detracting from the original shots which believe it or not even after I did all this were not that much different from what you see here.
flowers leaves spring red red flowers


11 Apr 19:54

I dont know what you will make of this shot, it is somewhat of an experiment. My friend lent me his nikon p7100 compact to see what HD would be like and this is the result.

11 Apr 19:58

I see no flaws. Perfect for me.

11 Apr 20:14

That is not a bad shot., it stands as a good HDR.The blur is great,maybe it could have been even more out of focus.Colors are great,and the process is great to.

11 Apr 20:22

The blur is created with a glimmerglass filter combined with halo with which I have been messing about, I think it gives good results.

11 Apr 20:26

Yes,that filter has done a great job,the flowers stands out very good.It's perhabs hard to get branches like this to disapear enuogh without a dedicated lens,and a SLR camera.

11 Apr 20:31

Quite true bjosted.

11 Apr 20:43

in this shot more sharpness have more pleasure for the eyes

11 Apr 20:44

I think the image is the Epitome of HDR. Perhaps soft in areas but overall an Outstanding Finish. Only wish you posted DETAILS ABOVE Ron for a better understanding of your process.

11 Apr 21:00

Super Sweet Treat for the EYES!

11 Apr 21:56

i agree with pandarino.nice shot !

11 Apr 22:02

Thanks for the Detailed Info........Much Appreciated!

11 Apr 22:10

Looks good to me

11 Apr 22:16

Super cool. Well done. This is the way I like flower HDR pics to look. Soft but without detail loss, and no noise. Dig it.

11 Apr 22:26

Whoa, that's nice

11 Apr 22:31

Exceptional for a compact, 90% is their job.

12 Apr 05:52

Top picture. Great colors. It is not the camera that makes a big picture, it is the guy behind.....

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