ein Haus am Rhein

Picture by mwellert

  • 2056
  • 4
  • 0
  • May 03, 2012
  • Canon 40d
  • sigma
  • Shooting Style
  • Shoots Number
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Others / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
landscape rhein


03 May 07:53

Willkommen bei HDRcreme. Das Bild hat sehr viel Potential. Leider hast du sehr viel noise im Himmel und halos an den Baumkronen. Schreib ruhig detailierter wie das Bild enstanden ist , so können die hier leute besser tips gebe. Gruß aus der Prignitz

03 May 08:50

Agree with philk80

03 May 12:18

Welcome, as Philk says, there is much to improve, but also can be seen that has a good eye for photography, is most important, the process is learned. Here will improve, good luck.

03 May 14:21

Another agree with Phil. The scene has excellent potential but needs a lot ironed out. I'm new also.. don't be afraid of these pro's.. simply learn from them as they will try to assist.

03 May 15:23

I thank you, I must still learn a lot

03 May 17:48

I will not add insult to injury so to speak. As the others have said, it looks like you have an eye for photography. When processing, just go for the most natural look you can get. Once you have that down then try to be more aggressive wit the details

03 May 22:05

is normal, we all have some 7 in our first hdr ...including me. TRY, TRY

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