Storm is Coming

Picture by michaelpa

  • 3180
  • 6
  • 0
  • May 24, 2012
  • Canon EOS 600D
  • 55-250mm Canon Telephoto
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes To get a solid set of exposures I balanced the camera on one of the fence posts. Very happy with how this came out.
landscape storm


24 May 14:07

I took this about an hour before the rain came in that was pretty constant last week while I was in the UK at my father's farm. It's been a wet May there, and the grass WAS already fairly green. I think this brings out the best of Shropshire countryside though. Very happy with it.

24 May 16:26

I love vivid color but.. you will likely find most here are partial to lifting the accelerator on saturation. I found out early with a monitor color scale out of balance. Just my guess. Love the scenery on your dad's farm. Same with other pic btw..

24 May 16:51

Several issues to correct in this image for a higher score. First the image is Oversaturated, The sky has Noise and Possible sensor problems. The sky is also blown in several areas. Good Effort nonetheless.

24 May 16:59

Seeming as I've only had a camera for 2 weeks, all comments welcome and bloody helpful :) Thanks peeps!

24 May 17:26

You will improve rapidly. Try not to get carried away with psychadelic effects

24 May 18:54

I understand totally Michael. I purchased my first camera 7 mo. ago yesterday. Hard learning curve but these veterans will reach out to help you so take it as constructive.. :)

24 May 20:55

Lovely view, but I agree with the above.

24 May 23:41

Welcome. We all happened once, when we discovered the HDR process we are tempted to take the picture surreal, and that's a mistake. This process helps us with the range of light and shadow, the more natural the better, except some exceptions.

26 Jul 09:04

great colours, the green, gold and darkened clouds go well together, forground is a bit grainy, maybe use a higher f stop to clear the distant objects.

26 Jul 13:03

Thanks Mark! It's one big learning process for me, and the main reason I joined this site was for exactly what I'm getting, constructive comments. Learning by trial and error is usually my best way, so I'm appreciating the honesty and help here big time!

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