Some Gave All..

Picture by johnt

  • 1916
  • 12
  • 0
  • May 28, 2012
  • Built on point and shoot Canon zoom.. 24-840mm
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2.. 0.. +2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes Very harsh sun at my 2 o'clock camera position. Little attempt to process as I intended the shot to harsh just as the effects of war is..
Memorial Day USA.. war dead or missing in action.. sacrifice.. courage.. bravery


28 May 13:53

Memorial Day USA which we honor all our war dead or missing in action. I spent yesterday covering 200 miles laying Red..White..Blue mums of the graves of all war dead from my home county. I don't wish to get votes on this non processed pic.. just a reminder to all to honor those that sacrificed for your freedom no matter what nationality you are. John Paul Dewberry.. ball turret gunner B-17 bomber 8th Air Force. Lost at sea with the entire crew as flak over target heavily damaged their aircraft and it went down in the Sea. It was attempting to return to base in England after a bomb load supporting the Allied ground invasion of Normandy in an attempt to liberate Europe of Axis powers. All combat veterans gave some.. SOME GAVE ALL.. May God bless..!!

28 May 14:35

10 as an honor to all those brave men who had to fight - no matter what their country was.

28 May 14:40

I'm Italian, so all my respect for this post. I was not born yet, but I can say that here in Italy, every country has a monument honoring the dead who gave their lives for their country.

28 May 15:25

And as it should be Leonardo.. as it should be. This post is actually a tribute to all who have paid the ultimate price to perserve freedom in their country regardless of which one it is. And there remembrance should be an everyday thought and not isolate

28 May 15:27

isolated to one single day... My highest regards to all those that have died to preserve their country... :)

28 May 15:32

My respect for all the people who died serving for the freedom of others

28 May 15:43

Thanks for your comments and Again... please don't vote as this was not intended to try to recieve one. I thought the message on the bottom of the tombstone sends a powerful message to everyone to raise conciousness of those that have sacrificed. Ya'll ha

28 May 15:44

Touched by your story on this beautiful Memorial day. This AF Vet salutes Airman Dewberry, your Family and all others who gave the ultimate sacrifice & all past & present who serve.

28 May 15:44

Have a good day doing what you "freely have chosen to do".. :)

28 May 15:45

Sorry, I voted ;)

28 May 15:50

My TEN is for you John for Remembering those who gave their lives. BTW: The image itself is Worthy of POTD on it's own Merits.

28 May 15:53

A Twenty-One Gun Salute to All.

28 May 18:12

God Bless them all.......

28 May 19:30

All servicemen deserve respect

28 May 19:31

I count my vote as a way of paying respect.

28 May 19:37

John, from one vet to another, I appreciate this post. My Father was in WW2. Thanks for posting this in honor of all vets who have served in both war AND peace!

28 May 19:44

Dear Johnt, the vote is not an opinion expressed by me on the picture itself, but rather is a gesture of approval for what you have with this picture wanted to represent with affection ... Hello see you soon!

28 May 23:24

You are bringing bad memories John!

28 May 23:45

Glory to all who fell for freedom!

29 May 00:32

Thanks everyone for your respect for all our fallen heroes regardless of their country of origin..

29 May 14:31

I just have to vote 10 for that, John!

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