country xcity xflood xhdr xhigh dynamic range xnikon xD7000 xItaly xmotorcycle xabandon xdecay xhouse xItaly xTrentino xbasement xwood xcolor xmulti-shot x
03 Jun 08:16
"Once upon a time ....... No, it's a new fairy tale! And 'the story of a remote village, which until November 4, 1966 there was over there, beyond the dam, on the bottom of the narrow valley ep rofonda the extreme west of the valley Fiemme.Il Ischiacia original name was. " The floods of the early days of November 1966 in Trentino sowed destruction and death. Ischiazza, Valfioriana fraction, in Cembra Valley, was devastated by the flood and landslides caused by dell'Avisio Fossàl Rio. The inhabitants were able to save themselves and November 20, when palm leaves had settled the raging waters, finally left the village: a penitential procession led to Casatta the sacred vessels and the bell of the church of the Exaltation of the Cross. Less than two years since the dramatic events, 16 June 1968 of the displaced were able to regain Ischiazza new houses, built in Maso's Brust, in the upper area of Valfioriana, where stood the village Italo-Swiss made with funds from the Italian Red Cross with donations collected in Switzerland and with assistance from the Region and for the municipal administration ValfiorianaAnnulla modifiche
03 Jun 08:27
Nice ...
03 Jun 08:31
Ottimo scatto Giorgio!
03 Jun 08:39
03 Jun 08:44
03 Jun 09:02
03 Jun 10:55
Sei riuscito benissimo a gestire la luce esterna...I miei angoli di scatto preferiti.
03 Jun 11:04
Fab shot.
03 Jun 13:11
flipd1 Plus User
Thank you for the information on this picture. Great shot. The window has a slight burnt spot, but I give a 10 because the rest of fabulous
03 Jun 14:19
Great shot and story. Thanks for sharing both.
03 Jun 15:04
Top shoot. Lamp and downside of the fender maybe a little to dark.
"Once upon a time ....... No, it's a new fairy tale! And 'the story of a remote village, which until November 4, 1966 there was over there, beyond the dam, on the bottom of the narrow valley ep rofonda the extreme west of the valley Fiemme.Il Ischiacia original name was. " The floods of the early days of November 1966 in Trentino sowed destruction and death. Ischiazza, Valfioriana fraction, in Cembra Valley, was devastated by the flood and landslides caused by dell'Avisio Fossàl Rio. The inhabitants were able to save themselves and November 20, when palm leaves had settled the raging waters, finally left the village: a penitential procession led to Casatta the sacred vessels and the bell of the church of the Exaltation of the Cross. Less than two years since the dramatic events, 16 June 1968 of the displaced were able to regain Ischiazza new houses, built in Maso's Brust, in the upper area of Valfioriana, where stood the village Italo-Swiss made with funds from the Italian Red Cross with donations collected in Switzerland and with assistance from the Region and for the municipal administration ValfiorianaAnnulla modifiche
Nice ...
Ottimo scatto Giorgio!
Sei riuscito benissimo a gestire la luce esterna...I miei angoli di scatto preferiti.
Fab shot.
Thank you for the information on this picture. Great shot. The window has a slight burnt spot, but I give a 10 because the rest of fabulous
Great shot and story. Thanks for sharing both.
Top shoot. Lamp and downside of the fender maybe a little to dark.
Awesome :-)
Great work
fantastic decay shot