Pure HDR

Picture by Randall.Lohr

  • 1348
  • 0
  • 0
  • June 30, 2012
  • Canon EOS 60D
  • 75-300 canon
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0, +2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes Cleaner processing, minor adjustments from fused pics


30 Jun 21:13

Ok everyone, Here's the same pic done in a more natural pure style. What do you think.

30 Jun 21:23

Ha Ha, well done Randall....

30 Jun 21:43


30 Jun 22:31

A pity that not wait until tomorrow, so leaving the two photos, to evaluate with certainty. This looks good, but the other had more "Glamour"

30 Jun 22:57

funny you should sayย that Ricardo, I used a NiK filter called "Glamour Glow" to add the softness to the hard edge of the noise to compensate for the harsh tones on the other pic.

30 Jun 23:23

Sorry, I thought I had removed the other, now saw her. The Glamour, was because it was the word that best expressed what it meant. obviously the filter they put the correct name.

30 Jun 23:39

Not a FAIR comparison. The other had a tighter crop right side.

01 Jul 02:08

My assessment is: Ed is correct on crop. I mentioned excellent composition on other picture. You lost ground with this full cut. But.. you gained much ground by losing the noise IMO. The grass.. leaves.. old weathered planks don't have the dry, brittle lo

01 Jul 02:11

look they did when over-sharpened. I love the un-sharp mask but have to be careful not to exceed red-line or the brittle look rears it's ugly head in my opinion.. This is much better exception of crop in my eye as I see it as more natural and what I visi

01 Jul 02:14

vision if I were there in person. And down-loading makes a difference. When download is available it should always be used before a final assessment IMO.

01 Jul 03:25

nice vignette

01 Jul 03:36

Thanks, I liked it too.

01 Jul 18:23

Far too noisy for me....

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