Evening in Glencoe

Picture by karl_oparka

  • 5469
  • 25
  • 0
  • July 16, 2012
  • Picture of the day
  • Nikon D300s
  • nikkor 14-24
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number 7
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes


16 Jul 11:41

The trip through Glencoe in the Western Highlands is a must for any tourist visiting Scotland. The Glen is breathtaking with mouintains rising steeply on either side of the windy road. It is difficult to capture the true scale but the house among the trees will give you some idea. It was here that the famous 'Massacre of Glencoe' occurred in 1692, one of the bloodiest scenes in Scottish History (and there were plenty), in which Clan Macdonald murdered several members of the Clan Campbell. ' On 2 February about 120 troops arrived at Glencoe under the command of Captain Robert Campbell of Glenlyon. They were given hospitality by the MacDonalds of Glencoe as was customary in the Highlands. For the next 10 days and nights the troops were given food, drink and lodgings. On 12 February Glenlyon received written orders from his superior, Major Duncanson: You are hereby ordered to fall upon the rebels, the McDonalds of Glencoe, and put all to the sword under seventy. You are to have a special care that the old Fox and his sons do upon no account escape your hands, you are to secure all the avenues that no man escape. At 5 am on the morning of 12 February 1692 the killing began. Alasdair MacIain of Glencoe was shot dead as he rose from his bed, his wife was dragged away from her fallen husband and stripped naked. She died the next day. Houses were set alight. The troops bound some captives hand and foot before killing them. Gunfire woke the people of Glencoe. They ran from their homes and fled into the mountains. Thirty eight men, women and children were killed in the massacre. Many more died of exposure as they tried to escape across the mountains in the dead of winter. The MacDonalds had been victims of ‘murder under trust’, considered even worse than normal acts of murder under Scots law. The Massacre of Glencoe was also an act of terror by the state against its own people. The MacDonalds were killed to scare the other Highland Clans into submission. John Dalrymple, Master of Stair, had planned the murders. The orders to kill the MacDonalds of Glencoe had been signed by King William. '

16 Jul 11:50

Sorry, it was the Campbells who murdered the Macdonalds!

16 Jul 13:01

Well done Karl...

16 Jul 14:36


16 Jul 14:38

love it karl, and i love scotland too

16 Jul 15:31

Super scene

16 Jul 15:39

Im not sure about the sky, i see some noise in there. but the image is nice.

16 Jul 16:14

Good job Karl!

16 Jul 16:15

lovely view, clouds a bit dark for me

16 Jul 16:52

Clouds are a tad dark.....lovely scene and process as usual !!

16 Jul 17:09

Great shot Karl, I kinda agree about the sky

16 Jul 17:22

Agree about the dark clouds

16 Jul 17:48

Nice image, I like clouds!

16 Jul 17:52

i liket it

16 Jul 18:25

Majestic mountains, I like something dramatic process, according to the tale of this terrible story.

16 Jul 20:31

Fantastic landscape. Would prefer a more gentle process on the sky, then masked in.

16 Jul 20:43

Superb Karl, love this view...Sat 18th Aug I shall be driving through here on my way to Fort William...

16 Jul 20:44


16 Jul 22:18

Great photo, great story.

16 Jul 22:22

Nice shot. Sky looks a little too bold I thought, but otherwise very cool :)

16 Jul 22:56


16 Jul 23:49


17 Jul 00:00

Congratulations for PTOD...

17 Jul 00:12

Karl, the PTOD well deserved, a tribute to the victims. Congratulations.

17 Jul 00:46

Congratulations on POTD Karl.. been busy with vehicle repairs and haven't shot anything with rain for several weeks so nothing to post. Great shot..!!

17 Jul 07:03

Perfect!!!!!!!!! 10,5 :)

17 Jul 09:54

Karl, the PTOD well deserved

17 Jul 20:47

Sorry I am late Karl I was busy all day yesterday, wow shot for me well done.

18 Jul 16:32

Nice one karl :-)

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