Boy's 2 Men..

Picture by johnt

  • 3634
  • 5
  • 1
  • May 29, 2019
  • Picture of the day
  • Point and Shoot zoom
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2..-1..0..+1..+2
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes Old B&W photo shot with $12 plastic version of Polaroid Land Camera in 1969 shooting almost directly into the sun as it was about 105 F outside.


27 Jul 12:17

No Vote Necessary.. On this day 43 years ago I returned home to Atlanta, Ga. from a very unpopular war in S.E. Asia. All my worldly possessions at that time were a cheap B&W photo.. two Bronze Stars with V device for Valor and a Purple Heart. Throw in $15 U.S. dollars and 5 pieces of rocket propelled grenade launcher shrapnel lodged in my body. Sat on a freeway ramp and hour hoping to hitch-hike a ride but found out sentiment to the government and soldiers was not very high. I picked up my 60 pound duffel bag and walked 29 miles over the next 9 hours to my hometown in the outskirts of Atlanta. The picture quality you see here is poor but.. no picture quality could ever match the quality and integrity of those guys who transitioned from boys to men almost overnite by necessity who surround me (middle kneeling). Bad News I was radio call name.. P Co. 75 Ranger Reg. Vietnan.

27 Jul 12:52

A touching story, John. IΒ΄m glad you made it ...

27 Jul 12:59

You have seen the hell in Vietnam ...

27 Jul 13:04

thats a cool story john....

27 Jul 13:15

Tumbs up for you! Thanks for telling us this personal story.

27 Jul 13:46

Thanks guys.. some might call that day a "bad day".. Frankly.. it was one of the best days of my life. I hate to hear friends complain they're having a bad day cause their cell phone broke or computer went down. haha

27 Jul 14:06

Honor to those who died and those who served bravely to their respective countries

27 Jul 15:05

Brought a lump to my throat John. How sad that your homecoming was treated wit such disregard. Thanks for sharing. Your picture's crap by the way....(he.he)

27 Jul 16:04

Thanks so much for your service John and welcome home.

27 Jul 17:04

Moving story, glad you survived.

27 Jul 18:33

Respect John...

27 Jul 18:46

Fitting Title John. I was 18 when drafted and just turned 19 when I hit the Nam. Except for the 29 mile walk I can relate to rest. It'll be 43 years for me come this April. Posted a Still Life for you. Or should I say Flashback?

27 Jul 23:30

Thanks for posting John, Use you blokes have no idea what a bad really day is!

27 Jul 23:56

Apocalypse Now. I think it is a good life experience!

28 Jul 00:16

Thanks to all who commented. Tomorrow I am going the Varsity drive and have two chili dogs as I did that day before attempting to hithhike.. then retracing my way home down old U.S. Hwy. 29 but.. this time I riding in my pick-up with air conditioning. As

28 Jul 00:17

As we say down in the southern United States or America.. Hell Yeah..!! :)

28 Jul 00:24

Yeah, John!

28 Jul 08:02

Sorry you had to experience that John,was in the commandos back in the 80s during the unrest in South Africa so have a tiny idea of what you must have experienced my good friend.

28 Jul 21:39

Thanks for sharing John :)

29 Jul 13:27

Thanks for the touching story John...

16 Aug 23:01

Respect John!

Updated 29 May 21:44

TAPS & Rest In Peace John. I will always remember John here on the Creme as the guy who would bust my chops. I liked posting shots from Car Shows. He would get on my case about posting Old Classic Cars with Modern Rims on them. He HATED it. He retired from the Car Restoration Business.He'd say to me, "It should be the Original rims or else don't post it!" I would get a kick out of it replying, "John, I only take the pictures, I don't own the cars". You can read many of his quotes on some of my car images on page 23 & 24 of my gallery. Sweet Bear of a Man....He will be remembered and missed.

29 May 21:32

RIP John. Thanks for sharing your stories and pictures with us.

Updated 29 May 22:07

For those who don't know, Bjorn contacted me to say our former Member and Dear Friend Johnt passed away on April 19th of this year. He was a Kind and Generous Man who will be missed by all who knew him. You can pay your respects to him by leaving a message on this link. The image above will be Posted and Dedicated to John as POTD. Thanks!

29 May 23:05

R.I.P. certainly a brave man and soldier

29 May 23:11

RIP my bother! Two tours USMC....

30 May 00:34

I got a chance to meet with John a time or two and went out shooting with him once. He was always is good humor and a bright light here on the creme and on Facebook where we spoke often. He was a wise and kind guy and beloved by all of us who knew him. He will be missed indeed.

30 May 00:48

@Randall.Lohr , Thanks for sharing that with us Randy. Now post a Pic in his Honor PLEASE.

30 May 01:14

Being a newcomer here, I was totally unaware of John and his history here at HDRCreme and his military service. Many thanks to this good man for his military service and for the many contributions he’s made in his civilian life! Rest In Peace, John, wish I had known you.

30 May 03:53

RIP my friend

30 May 08:46

Rest In Peace John, God Bless......

Updated 30 May 16:49

R.I.P . John T. I am very glad that I got the chance to know you. We had a lot of conversation on Facebook, and a lot of fun. I will miss your sharp view of the world, and also your service for the peace. Thanks John T I will keep you in my heart brother.

29 Jun 15:14

I ' m reading only now the mail.... ......R.I.P..... John. I remember John.... He greatly appreciated my hdr technique. A real gentleman. Greetings to you my friend.

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