sewing machine

Picture by hsnlz

  • 1762
  • 9
  • 0
  • August 07, 2012
  • Canon 5D Mark 2
  • CANON EF 50MM F:1,4
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Others
  • File Format
  • Notes topaz adjust 5
sewing machine istanbul hasan ali รถz machine


07 Aug 16:35

Would love to see more color pop in this grand ole machine but.. the spider web and details of the hand-made wooden machine base and especially the sliding rabbet joint on left end boost it back to 9 in my eye.

07 Aug 16:53

I think adding a little more contrast would help quite a bit. The details look great. Just needs a little more POP.

07 Aug 18:15

Great shot could definately do with contrast like Phil says.

07 Aug 18:50

agree with the others

07 Aug 19:11

All said. I also find the bar above the machine distracting.

07 Aug 20:11

I agree with a lot of the other comments, it definatly needs more pop/contrast. Find the drum & bar distracting & not in line with the subject

07 Aug 20:30

Nice one Hasan, especially the spider web

07 Aug 21:19

Very Clean....I like it.

07 Aug 22:55

Did not know this Omega sewing machine, I know the Singer. Great details including the web. Something more contrast to give it life.

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