A bunch of us guys went to a shooting range this afternoon. These were some of the guns we shot along with the ammo.
I chose a selective color for the handle because for the most part the rest were just a blackish color.
28 Oct 10:06
double cool phil!
28 Oct 10:22
I dislike weapons like very good photo
28 Oct 10:50
flipd1 Plus User
Don't let your dislike for weapons stop you from voting on the picture.
28 Oct 13:01
Nice work , I like it . 9+
28 Oct 13:29
Excellent details
28 Oct 13:53
I think that I would have liked it as all colour or as b&w, but not a combination.
28 Oct 14:56
28 Oct 14:57
The details are fantastic
28 Oct 16:39
monaris Plus User
In this case I like the contrast between B&W and the colored grip.
28 Oct 18:48
Excellent details.....I agree with Dale
28 Oct 19:06
Bang, Bang.
28 Oct 20:24
28 Oct 21:11
I dont mind guns as long as they are not pointed at people.
A bunch of us guys went to a shooting range this afternoon. These were some of the guns we shot along with the ammo. I chose a selective color for the handle because for the most part the rest were just a blackish color.
double cool phil!
I dislike weapons like very good photo
Don't let your dislike for weapons stop you from voting on the picture.
Nice work , I like it . 9+
Excellent details
I think that I would have liked it as all colour or as b&w, but not a combination.
The details are fantastic
In this case I like the contrast between B&W and the colored grip.
Excellent details.....I agree with Dale
Bang, Bang.
I dont mind guns as long as they are not pointed at people.