Frosty Waterfall

Picture by bionyx138

  • 2214
  • 10
  • 0
  • January 23, 2013
  • 100-300mm
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
waterfall japanese garden


23 Jan 18:23

At the Portland Japanese Garden. Thin layers of frost and ice covered much of the landscape. I am still learning, and feedback greatly appreciated!

23 Jan 18:38

Great POV. To me it looks like the focus is concentrated on the left side, it would have been better with a focus trough the hole image.If you use a wider angle lens such as 18-55 you will have more depht of field. Nice process and colors.

23 Jan 18:46

A little too blue for me, I do like the composition and agree with bjosted about DOF, the water fall doesn't appear to be in focus yet the tree is very clear.

23 Jan 19:00

I like the POV & colours. Focus is a point of issue as bjosted said. My other observation is that the very white parts of the water are blown. Perhaps a -3 or -4 would have helped although it is possible to correct this with processing...

23 Jan 19:11

Thanks for the feedback! See exactly what you mean with the DOF falling off on the right. Looking through my shots I see the difference with the higher aperture shots I took, but didn't get any from this POV. I did get shots with a wider angle lens, but w

23 Jan 19:12

... but was unable to get closer due to a pond, and would have to really heavily crop to get this same POV. You guys are great, I'll keep trying!

23 Jan 20:04


23 Jan 20:14


23 Jan 22:12


23 Jan 23:14

looks like a painting.

23 Jan 23:22

agree, but nice though!

23 Jan 23:50

I agree, great composition, looks like a painting. Overall though, a little too blue/green for me.

24 Jan 20:56

8+, maybe crop at the end of the pool below the leafy branch?

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