Taken with a 75 - 300 lens to get as short DOF as possible. Purely experimental. I like the result.
They are on a picnic table, what you are seeing in the background is part of a cross bar of a wood fence. I hope some don't think that it's "too distracting"
Please don't mistake bokeh for grain or noise.
30 Apr 03:31
very nice
30 Apr 03:39
The DOF is wonderful, and process is perfect on it.
30 Apr 10:15
30 Apr 12:36
30 Apr 12:46
nice color and detail
30 Apr 14:22
AWESOME Phil, with all capital letters, in bold, underlined and in red! 10.
30 Apr 15:38
Agree with other comments, nice colours & a much softer background/Bokeh….Incidentally Phil don’t think people are stupid enough to mistake bokeh for noise/grain….Bokeh, noise & grain are completely different elements with some images….
30 Apr 15:46
flipd1 Plus User
@Graham, not sure I was calling anyone stupid but I do know from seeing comments on other pictures that some people have said bokeh was noise. So, I was just being proactive just in case someone was leaning toward that idea.
30 Apr 16:23
30 Apr 16:34
fredzhang Plus User
30 Apr 16:47
30 Apr 17:08
Sweet Phil ! I think Marty McFly wants his boots back ;-) PS: I´ve got to go with Garham : there can be noise on Bokeh. People mistaking the two is something else ...
30 Apr 17:16
flipd1 Plus User
@diouuude... Yep I agree with ya as far as noise and bokeh.... aka the noisy picture I had from yesterday. It had both bokeh and noise all in one. Heck, it had 1.21 Giga watts of noise haha.
30 Apr 18:01
@flipd1: haha that´s what happens when you drive at 88 mph ;-)
30 Apr 18:21
Love it..
30 Apr 18:44
30 Apr 20:09
the subject does not make me jump out of his chair, but well done
Taken with a 75 - 300 lens to get as short DOF as possible. Purely experimental. I like the result. They are on a picnic table, what you are seeing in the background is part of a cross bar of a wood fence. I hope some don't think that it's "too distracting" Please don't mistake bokeh for grain or noise.
very nice
The DOF is wonderful, and process is perfect on it.
nice color and detail
AWESOME Phil, with all capital letters, in bold, underlined and in red! 10.
Agree with other comments, nice colours & a much softer background/Bokeh….Incidentally Phil don’t think people are stupid enough to mistake bokeh for noise/grain….Bokeh, noise & grain are completely different elements with some images….
@Graham, not sure I was calling anyone stupid but I do know from seeing comments on other pictures that some people have said bokeh was noise. So, I was just being proactive just in case someone was leaning toward that idea.
Sweet Phil ! I think Marty McFly wants his boots back ;-) PS: I´ve got to go with Garham : there can be noise on Bokeh. People mistaking the two is something else ...
@diouuude... Yep I agree with ya as far as noise and bokeh.... aka the noisy picture I had from yesterday. It had both bokeh and noise all in one. Heck, it had 1.21 Giga watts of noise haha.
@flipd1: haha that´s what happens when you drive at 88 mph ;-)
Love it..
the subject does not make me jump out of his chair, but well done
"These boots are made for walking"