Notes My first "good looking" hdr ever. I was lucky to get the train but their is no leaves in the trees at this time of the year.
02 May 16:27
Train and sunset at Cap-Rouge, Québec
02 May 16:58
bjosted Plus User
02 May 17:13
A pleasing image, I would selectively lighten the foreground and crop from the bottom to emphasize the sky.
02 May 18:06
way too dark
02 May 18:22
Agree in crop and dark areas.
02 May 18:34
Welcome. Agree on darkness
02 May 19:19
02 May 20:06
02 May 21:22
Welcome Seb714. Yes, I'm afraid I agree about the darkness, which is a shame because the pov shows the potential of being a much better picture, although I do agree with spiritofwestern that bringing the horizon down to the bottom 'rule of thirds' line wo
02 May 21:23
.... uld have also improved the composition. 8.
02 May 22:07
josephc Plus User
Agree with comments.
02 May 22:31
Welcome and totally agree with everything said.
02 May 23:22
Thank you guys for your comments, i really apreciate! I know that my shot is way to dark but its the best result i had with theses shots. I had read a lot about composition in the past weeks but when im in the field, i just dont know what to do, its even
02 May 23:24
... worse with landscape pictures. If anybody would give me somes tips, ill be very happy :) Thank you all again. Sorry for my grammars, english is not my native language.
Train and sunset at Cap-Rouge, Québec
A pleasing image, I would selectively lighten the foreground and crop from the bottom to emphasize the sky.
way too dark
Agree in crop and dark areas.
Welcome. Agree on darkness
Welcome Seb714. Yes, I'm afraid I agree about the darkness, which is a shame because the pov shows the potential of being a much better picture, although I do agree with spiritofwestern that bringing the horizon down to the bottom 'rule of thirds' line wo
.... uld have also improved the composition. 8.
Agree with comments.
Welcome and totally agree with everything said.
Thank you guys for your comments, i really apreciate! I know that my shot is way to dark but its the best result i had with theses shots. I had read a lot about composition in the past weeks but when im in the field, i just dont know what to do, its even
... worse with landscape pictures. If anybody would give me somes tips, ill be very happy :) Thank you all again. Sorry for my grammars, english is not my native language.
Great... lot of potential