Buzau city view

Picture by sorance2000

  • views 2203
  • likes 6
  • favourites 0
  • published May 09, 2013
  • Nikon
  • Nikon 18-55
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software Others
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes


09 May 11:59

NIKON D5100 Focus stack with two focus points for each exposure; then I made them HDR.

09 May 13:50
digicam Plus User

I think it needs either More HDR Effect or More Contrast. Something is lacking from making this Pic POP......9

09 May 14:04

I see your point of view, but i prefer more natural style, that`s the reason i use an hdr program which gets more realistic pics. Anyway all is about the taste and the vision around the photography. I myself I agree, my pic is not worth 10, but not becau

09 May 14:13

...because the contrast and mre hdr stuff, but due to composition of the theme, the mood you get from it and the light maybe. All of us expect ourselves to do better pics improving the artistic and technic skills.

09 May 14:42
digicam Plus User

I prefer Clean and Natural also, but at the same time the purpose of HDR (IMHO) is to make the image POP rather than just look like a very Crisp, Clean and Sharp image. Your Point is well taken and respected by me.

09 May 14:56

Anyway, the pics were taken in a very cloudy environment, so this is the reason for not vivid aspect, and the lack of contrast. This pics is an experiment because i failed to do and entire panorama from 3 angles with two focus stacks for each exposure. So

09 May 14:57

So the photo is also a stitch from 2 pics instead to be larger with 3 pics. That because the first set of pics i didn`t focus well as the rest of them.

09 May 18:12

Very nice, natural look.

09 May 19:23

agree with digicam

09 May 20:53


09 May 22:29
josephc Plus User


09 May 23:24


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